
make your photo an obamicon using gimp 2.8 in 3 steps

Hey there you guys :D

Good day to you.

Without any websites or third party freeware you can turn your photo into an obamicon hope using a script!!

Easiest way available to date. And if you have 

 anything easier then please! I'm just that lazy!!

First: paste it in the scripts directory of your gimp install, mine is:

"C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\"

Second: open gimp 2.8 and navigate to the menu Filter>Artistic>obama hope
click and press OK in the window that pops up.

And that was it, pretty simple i cannot believe it myself, and it's only 2 kb in size!!

Download the script from here. comment if you like and download. ^_^

Support from author can be found here..
P.S: there is a Guevara script (Same in install) but totally different. download here.

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